We sincerely Thank you for Your continued Support of our Vihara.

Your generosity truly makes a difference to us and the many beneficiaries of our charitable programs.

Join to be happy

Your generosity means a great deal to us and to the many beneficiaries of our charitable programs, especially during these challenging times.


I would like to remind you that through the UK Government’s Gift Aid scheme, our charity can claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate.

Get Blessings

Your contributions truly make a difference and enable us to continue delivering vital services to the community.

Gift Aid Declaration

Thank you sincerely for your continued support of our Vihara. Your generosity means a great deal to us and to the many beneficiaries of our charitable programs, especially during these challenging times. Your contributions truly make a difference and enable us to continue delivering vital services to the community.

I would like to remind you that through the UK Government’s Gift Aid scheme, our charity can claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate. If you are a UK taxpayer, this allows you to increase the value of your donation by 25%, at no additional cost to you.

We can only claim Gift Aid if you provide your permission. To enable this, I would be grateful if you could reply to this email with confirmation that you are happy for us to claim Gift Aid on your recent donation(s). Please note, this additional 25% comes directly from the UK Government and will not affect your personal finances.

To complete the process, please fill out the Gift Aid declaration form attached and submit it at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at +(44) 7794 537118.

Community service

Another community service by the Heathrow Athula Dassana Relief Foundation

Following a request made by the Principal, Faculty and Students of Murungahitikanda Vidyalaya, the Heathrow Athula Dassana International Buddhist Temple has planned to modernize the building, which is currently in ruins, and convert the teachers’ quarters into classrooms.

Athula Dassana Relief Foundation.

Equipment for 100 school children every year

Despite all their struggles, they are no different to you and me. These are bright children full of potential. Education is their only ticket to a beautiful life. Therefore, our mission is to provide these children with the means to a good education.

Scholarship for University Students

Laptop facilities for children studying at universities

You can also contribute to providing laptop facilities for children studying at universities under the Athuladassana Scholarship Program.

700 X700 2

We Need You to Make a Difference Again This Year!

a Since 2014, our Scholarship Programme has transformed the lives of hundreds of children by helping them attend school and receive the education they once only dreamed of. **You* have been a vital part of this change, enabling these underprivileged children to achieve success with a strong sense of integrity.
NameTo sponsor a child as a family.
per month
  • To give another human being the precious gift of education
Call To Action
buys all the essentials a child needs,
A small token
  • School Uniforms
  • Books and School Kits
Call To Action

Be a light in the dark to a friend.

Your generosity is a great blessing.
A registered charity in the UK (Charity No: 1155139)

Athula Dassana Dhamma School

The main aim of our Dhamma Schools is to educate the younger generation of Sri Lanka about Buddhism, the Sinhala language and Sri Lankan culture. Venerable Wanduramba Kassapa started our Heathrow Dhamma School in 2012 with eight children. Currently, our Dhamma Schools have over a hundred students enrolled.

In January 2022, we opened our second Dhamma School in Aylesbury. In addition to our Dhamma Schools in Heathrow and Aylesbury, we also have an online Dhamma School for children who are unable to attend our two Dhamma Schools.

For more information about our Sunday Schools,

Buddhism (Dhamma) Lessons

Each of our Dhamma Schools offer a number of Buddhism Classes and children are allocated to classes based on their age. All our classes are conducted in Sinhala Language, but if necessary, our teachers will provide instruction in English to assist children with limited knowledge of Sinhala.

Sinhala Language Lessons

Similar to the Buddhism (Dhamma) lessons, a number of Sinhala Language classes are offered to our children; organized depending on children’s age and ability in the Sinhala language.

Buddhism in everyday life lessons

A Practical Guide to Integrating and Practicing Buddhism in Everyday Life. To provide proven steps and strategies on how to practice and make Buddhism a part of our young adult’s daily activities. Specifically tailored and explained in a way that can be easily understood and put into practice by our young adults.

Ancient History of Sri Lankan Lessons

The objective of this unit is to introduce our Dhamma School children to the heritage and identity of the society of ancient times and to promote an understanding of how lessons from history can be adapted to the needs of modern life.

Abhidhamma lessons

We have four Abhidhamma Classes currently – YMBA Basic to Senior 2. Every year have approx. 40 to 50 students sitting for YMBA Dhamma/Abhidhamma Examination in the English Medium.

Buddhism, Abhidhamma and the Sinhala language
Venerable Wanduramba Kassapa Thero
Buddhism, Abhidhamma and the Sinhala language
Ven Shakyadeetha Mehenin Wahanse
Testimonials are a social proof, a powerful way to inspire trust.
Dance Teacher

Thank you once again for your incredible support.